Monday, August 17, 2009

United Church and Israel

I have heard from folks outside our church, asking what the heck is going on in the United Church of Canada. Colleagues in this presbytery have received angry, harassing phone messages on their voice mail. These people have heard via the media that the United Church is turning its back on “the only democracy in the Middle East.”

From what I can gather, some of the criticism comes from those who defend Israel’s decisions regardless of the consequences for the Palestinian people. But some of the criticism comes from a misunderstanding of the United Church’s position over the years. For the sake of the average citizen who reads the newspaper editorials or listens to angry talk-radio, we need to do a better job of getting our views out there.

This year’s General Council is certainly doing its best to communicate the latest information from Kelowna. I have signed up for the daily updates and you can do that in less than a minute by going to the United Church website and clicking on “General Council.” If you prefer video, you can watch the daily video feed featuring Royal Orr. And if you have the time, you can watch livestreaming.

This means that any United church member with access to a computer can stay on top of the daily Council agenda. With the latest direct information, we all can participate in an informed discussion of the important issues that are being discussed this week. What an opportunity to let those around us know about the important issues that we care about as a faith community!


You may also send your comments to and I will make sure they are posted.

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