Monday, November 26, 2012

Quiet In Advent?

It's only a few days until Advent and I am finding life is as hectic as ever. Is it that way for you?

As this season begins, I am paying attention to Kent Groff, who reminds his readers that silence is an important step in creativity. He cites Nobel Prize winner Werner Heisenberg known for his uncertainty Principle of quantum physics, Heisenberg tells his researchers in the midst of a perplexing problem. "Wait, I think we have touched something very important here. Let's not talk about it...Let's wait for two weeks, and let it solve itself."

Some of our greatest insights simmer or bake beneath the conscious mind. This is a reminder of out need to regularly sit quietly, maybe meditating in silence, or listening to some quiet music as I am doing right now, or walking in the snow. Find your way to lie fallow this Advent, even if it's just for a little while each day.
