Monday, November 25, 2013

Will Religion Rise Again?

Will Boomers return to church?
The jury is still out on that. But never say never because Boomers do like to buck the trends, says a recent Christian Century article by Janice Lloyd.
Vern Bengston, a professor emeritus of gerontology recently published “Families and Faith” based on a 35 year, six generation longitudinal study of families in California.  Bengston says that as we age, we have more time to consider the meaning of our lives.  We also recognize the march of mortality as friends get sick and die and grandchildren ask deep questions.
The “nones,” those with no traditional religious affiliation are growing but they are a varied group.  Some are anti-religious but others are still searching for a religious group that fits their experience.
Bengston is an example of someone who has made a shift toward religion late in life.
“ I came from a conservative religious family. When I started to question my faith during college, my mother said if she had to do so she would pick Jesus over me. She ended up rejecting me. It broke her heart and mine. I was an atheist for 35 years. But when I retired, I walked into a progressive church on Easter Sunday, heard the choir singing and was utterly surprised by joy, as C.S. Lewis described his own later-life religious experience. I haven’t stopped going to church. If there is a heaven and if my mother is there, I think she’d say “I told you so.”






Monday, November 11, 2013

Thrice Reflected

Worship at it's best is a dialogue. In my experience, a prayer or a sermon is inspired by some person in the community, past or present.

After I share my reflection on that inspiration, I get still yet another wave of the Spirit wash over me when another member of the community offers their reflection on my reflection on their reflection.  This past week I have been meditating on Priscilla of whom there are only a couple of tantalizing references.  This is Carol's poetic response:

Captivated, Chosen

Who was she –
That Priscilla of so long ago?
What mystery unfolded
To awaken our re-imaginings?
How did she work her way through
The aperture of our consciousness?

Once, long ago
In the days and nights
Of Christ-Light beginnings,
In the time when the very air
Still shimmered with holiness,
Still vibrated with new awakenings

She was there: captivated, chosen
By the holiness of Spirit
To participate, to walk beside
The Saul who had been transformed,
Inspired to record messages
For the suckling church.

Was it she
Who offered courage,
Comfort, solace
To her friend and brother
In his journeys abroad,
To the Paul who gave his all?

Perhaps by our re-membering,
We can read, reflect and dream her back
Into our collective consciousness,
Until, with Prisca and Paul,
We participate in the sacred work
Of resurrecting our faith to new levels of love.

Carol Grace Scott
November 11, 2013