Monday, December 22, 2008

This morning the scripture texts were about listening for the Spirit song. David misheard it completely. The message of God sounded a little too unlikely to Zecheriah and he lost his voice. Mary struggled with the message but she is remembered as the one who said yes to God’s gift.

How do you respond to unexpected gifts? Do you act delighted and begin to think of how you can return it for something you really want? Do you drop it on the regift pile? Do you put it on a shelf with plans to wear it when everything else wears out.

The Vatican received a gift this year they could not have expected. 2,000 solar panels. A Germon firm offered these to the Vatican as an Epiphany gift. They began to installl them a few months ago and they’ll be in place by the end of this month.

The CEO of SolarWorld said, “If the three wise men from the East came to Bethlehem today, they would in all probability bring a solar cell in addition to gold, francincense and myrrh.”

This will help the Vatican to meet the EU’s target for 2020 to get 20% of its energy from renewable resources.

Now that’s a gift that keeps on giving!


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