Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It’s one thing to hear the Christmas story. It’s another thing to be the Christmas story. This morning our Sunday School put on a delightful Christmas pageant.

This drama is being acted out this season in great Cathedrals and little country churches around the world this season. Little ones who cannot yet read are watching the big kids, following the older and wiser shepherds and angels when it’s time to stand up or move across the floor. Lines will be slightly mangled at times, cues will be missed, but nobody is upset. It’s all part of the wondrous drama. And the story is communicated.

Some of the best moments are entirely unscripted. This morning the magi made a grand entrance with the stately camel. I have not seen a better camel anywhere. As the drama continued, the camel sat down at the front. One child and then another approached the beast. Almost on tip toe. Cautiously. With wonderment. the congregation were as entranced with the child as the child was with this animal. The camel titled it’s head and gazed on the child. We all got caught up in the wonder of the moment. Those are the moments that happen without a writer or director.

Wonder. What a gift. Watch for it.


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Jeannie said...

I find the wonder in the carols we sing, the angel at the top of my tree, and in the face of my forever young daughter. Jessica is 32 and has Down's Syndrome, and she still gets very excited about Christmas. Last year she woke us up at 6:00 a.m. and called out "It's Christmas". Thank God for the wonder that returns every year to bring us hope.

RussP said...

Step outside on a clear, starry night, away from the hustle and bustle, and endless TV drivel. Look up. Think that the sky you see is probably pretty close to that seen over 2,000 years ago.

No matter what you may believe, there is magic in this season.

Merry Christmas to all and a safe New Year.