Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Moment Of Awe

There are awesome moments that take place everyday. Sometimes I give them my full attention; other times I glance at them, smile and then forget. Yesterday I had one of those very special moments that I will put down in my journal.

It took place in a quiet family memorial service. A woman stood up in the little semi circle and began to read a poem. Already it was a transcendent moment as she was reading a poem that I dearly love, John Donne’s “Death, be not proud.” The poem and the circumstances caused the reader to tear up. Suddenly the four-year old granddaughter stepped forward.

She had already had an important part to play as she lit a candle for her great grand-father. She had slowly and carefully moved the stick match to the large candle and then so carefully blown it out. Her actions had the reverence of a Japanese tea ceremony.

This time she came forward, put her little arms around her grand-mother’s legs and hugged her. Then she took her elder’s free hand and kissed it gently.

Just one of the God-moments in that time together.

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