Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Still Green

Thirty years ago Jan and I started a church newsletter in our first pastoral charge in Gaspe. We called it, The Evergreen. That came from a verse in Psalm 92.

“Still bearing fruit in old age, still full of sap, still green, they proclaim your constancy.”

Thirty years later, I have a greater appreciation for what the aging process does to us.

I am conscious of the reality of slowing down and feeling the aches. I have joined the group that think about physical and mental decline.

But here is some good news! The most recent Smithsonian Magazine tells us that one recent study reported that despite losses in short-term memory and visual spatial processing, older air traffic controllers maintained a high level of expertise because they were so proficient in navigating, juggling multiple aircraft and avoiding collisions.

Another study showed that when giving advice in “Dear Abby” letters, adults 60 years and older did a better job in dealing with social conflicts. Compared to younger subjects, these older adults were better able to imagine different points of view, consider multiple resolutions and suggest compromises.

I could go on but it might be too depressing for the under 60s.

Apparently the psalmist’s words were not just wishful thinking. The golden years may also be green years.

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