Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Safe Is Our Path?

Like many of you, I have been watching the disaster scenes from Japan with horror. Is this really taking place? Are those real people in those cars, slowing down as the wall fo water rushes toward them and they are swept away?

One interview today was shockingly real. A Canadian returning from Japan and his work with a nuclear plant described his experience. As he watched from a safe vantage point cars in the parking lot below were tossed about. A nearbye fishing plant was picked up and slammed into a cliff. He admitted that he was still shaking. This native son was so grateful to have his feet back on solid Canadian ground. He was never going back to Japan Then he warmly embraced his grand-daughter.

We Canadians often feel grateful when we return home to safe, familiar territory. But as people of faith, we have a second instinct, a counter cultural instinct to go out into a world which is increasingly uncertain. Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. How safe does that make our path?


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