Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dare To Change - Trust The Spirit

So do you have any resolutions for the new year? There are those who say that people do not change, that January gym members' enthusiasm inevitably expires before their memberships do. That may be reality but it does not do justice to the few who do make a decision and manage to stumble along in a new direction. Some people do change, some of the time.

The gospel texts for the season of Epiphany are all about choosing a new direction. Jesus chooses to go to John to be baptized. Simon and Andrew choose to follow this new teacher. Jesus chooses to see his next steps of faith as a response to the inspiration of the Spirit.

The decisions to move in a new direction are probably never as neat as the story describes. There is probably more doubt, disagreement and discouragement than the narrative reveals.

But the gospels have this spirit of adventure and hope that is quite thrilling. I choose to believe that despite our human resistance, the Spirit constantly invites us to new beginnings. That's a theme I am going to be exploring this month. Can I interrupt old patterns? Can I open some new door in my life? Can I trust that God has something new for me to discover?

"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"
Isaiah 43:19


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