Sunday, May 9, 2010

Banana Slug Psalm by Meera Subramanian

from Believer Beware

"We found the tree - a fir wolfy with age, cloaked in lichen - and collapsed into the soft earth, looking up into infinity from its base. From there on the ground, from the vintage of an unbeliever, I imagined that this is what finding God must be like. Or rather, not finding but feeling found.,,My friends and rose, to see if we could circle the tree, all four of us with arms stretched taut, faces pressed against the rough bark, linking our hands to form a current. That's what God is, right? something so big that you, alone, can't wrap your arms around it. Something that stays with you, no matter where you go, right?"

I heard Stewart McLean on the radio today speaking about the first time he saw a beluga whale. Watching this great creature, only a few feet away, moved him and others present, to tears.

Meera and Stewart experienced what Celtic Christians called thin places, places where the boundaries between ourselves and the world fall apart, where the sacred shines through. Our souls long for this connection with nature with a capital N. Is it happening for you?


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