Sunday, February 15, 2009

There's Probably No God

So the Freethought Association of Canada is stepping up its campaign to place provocative ads on buses. “There’s Probably No God. Now Stop Worrying and Enjoy Your Life.”

Should Chrstians be upset? Should we write letters? March somewhere? Take a stand and register our vote that there is a God. So far more people are voting against, which means what. That antis are more tech savy than pros? Who knows? And why should United Church folk get upset? We are all for provocative ads that stimulate dilaogue on the big issues.

Let’s hope that the church doesn’t get pushed into a defensive posture once again. Is our faith not big enough to accept critique or disagreement? Maybe not. Recently the Vatican newspaper reported that John Lennon is now officially forgiven for claiming in 1966 that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus.” Apparently that led some Christians to burn Beatles albums.

Maybe if we took ourselves a little less seriously, others would take us more seriously.


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