Thursday, October 16, 2008

“...forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead...” Philippians 3:13

The apostle Paul offers his solid credentials as a Jew, "of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews." Paul valued his early life and yet he had to let go of some of his religious mindset to take the next step in his life of faith.

Are there valuable things you learned as a young person that still have meaning for you?

What are the things that you needed to forget in order to progress in your faith?

Should children be exposed to a Sunday School as children? Why? Is it better to give them a wide variety of religious options to see what fits best for them? Or is it fairer to not indoctrinate them at all and just allow them to make up their own mind when they are older?

What do you think?

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