Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Tragedy In Newtown, CT.

The whole world has been sharing in the sadness this week.  With our communication systems, we have been drawn into the grief of the community of Newtown, CT. 
We shared in a Sunday School pageant this morning.  As the children came up in costume, sheep, angels, shepherds, the shadow of that grief was present for me and I am sure for others. 
A colleague shared that Martin Crebbin and the Newtown Congregational Church have opened their doors and hearts to the broken-hearted around them.  Martin’s family is safe but he and his church are doing the job of Christian community, following in the steps of the Wounded Healer, being present and caring to the people around them. 
Those churches, like us, will continue to light Advent candles and trust in a light that no tears can erase and no darkness can put out.


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