Sunday, December 23, 2012


The first thing we have to do
is to notice
that we’ve loaded down this camel with so much baggage
we’ll never get through the desert alive.
Something has to go

Then we begin to dump
the thousand things
we’ve brought along
until even the camel has to go
and we’re walking barefoot
on the desert sand.

There’s no telling what will happen then.
But I’ve heard that someone,
walking in this way,
has seen a burning bush.

That Francis Dorf poem is going to accompany me  through Advent.  I shared it at a recent Presbytery meeting and I intend to repeat to myself until I learn it by heart. 

That’s my Advent spiritual practice.

I like that idea that even the magi may have brought along too much stuff. If camels have their limits, I suppose we do too.



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