Sunday, January 9, 2011

Success Starts With A Single Step

I’ve been reading Parker Palmer’s writings on spirituality for years, so I was delighted to find a reflection by him on writing as an act of faith.

Palmer describes a revelation he received thirty years ago on holding in his hands the first copy of his first book. Up until that point he had written essays. Somebody liked what they read and asked him for more. The next thing he knew he had a book.

The bolt from heaven was that we can do things we don’t think we can do if we don’t think about doing them.

And so “if you can’t write a book, then write a lot of essays. If you can’t write an essay, write a lot of paragraphs. If you can’t write a paragraph, write a line or a word. And if you can’t do that on the page, write your truth with your life, which is far more important than any book.”

For Palmer faith is less about a big leap, more about taking one more step. Writer or not, that applies to us all.


1 comment:

Sanderina_2 said...

I need to remember this every day.