Monday, December 7, 2009

Sadness and Joy

This afternoon we will gather for one of the quiet, meditative services of the year.

When this was first celebrated in the United Church, it was generally called the Blue Christmas service. Now we are calling it Journey in the Light or Light in the Shadows.

The original title acknowledged the feelings of those who were so aware of the loss of a loved one or other difficult situation that could drain all the joy out of the season.

The newer nomenclature still refers to the Shadows but also to the Light that can penetrate into those places that leave us feeling so sad and alone.

Most importantly these are times when we can gather with a common awareness that we are not alone. Others share some of the pain with us. If you have known sadness at this time of year, you have a spiritual gift of being able to be aware of the pain of others.

And so we will light a candle in Memory of our Loss, one for Compassion and Community, one for Wisdom, one for Faith. Then each of us will light a candle for the one we are missing. And surrounding it all, enveloping us all in the most significant of lights, a candle for the glow of the Christ in our midst.

This little circle of friends somehow cuts to the centre of the season in a way that no other service does. I always leave feeling moved and grateful.


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