A Community of Faith
This morning’s worship service was a celebration of fifty years of worship, learning, growing in community and outreach at Emmanuel United. There were photographs and stories from a variety of folks, telling why this church was important in their lives.
One thing that struck me was how a number of meaningful faith experiences took place outside the walls of the building. There were stories of canoe trips and family camps, vespers services, bible study groups that met in homes and service-learning trips to places far from Ottawa. It was a clear reminder that the story of a church is the story of a community of people whose faith goes with them and engages them wherever they go.
The building is still important. We needed a place this morning that was large enough to gather the whole group together. We needed a kitchen and a hall with space to serve a large partnership dinner yesterday and an anniversary lunch today. The building is important for all kinds of groups in the community we serve. And so it is part of our mission and one of the resources we use and share with others.
Next week, following worship, we meet to consider the future of our CE Hall. As I listen and consider what is before us, I will be thinking about some of the stories we heard today, of a people that meet in this sacred space and from here go out to encounter and embody sacred space in all the world.
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